X-ray mammogram: An X-ray of the breast that can detect abnormal changes or masses in the breast tissue.

Breast ultrasound: An imaging test that uses sound waves to create pictures of the breast and can help differentiate between solid and fluid-filled lumps.

MRI breast: A magnetic resonance imaging test that uses magnetism and radio waves to produce detailed images of the breast and can help evaluate suspicious findings or assess the extent of breast cancer.

Ultrasound guided biopsy: A procedure that uses ultrasound to guide a needle into the breast and remove a sample of tissue for microscopic examination.

Ultrasound guided fine needle aspiration: A type of biopsy that uses a thin needle to extract fluid or cells from a breast lump or cyst.

Ultrasound guided clip placement: A procedure that uses ultrasound to place a small metal marker inside the breast at the site of a biopsy or lumpectomy, so that the area can be easily identified on future imaging tests or surgery.

Ultrasound guided core localization: A procedure that uses ultrasound to guide a wire into the breast and mark the location of a breast abnormality that needs to be removed by surgery.

Stereotactic core biopsy: A type of biopsy that uses a computer and X-rays to locate a breast abnormality and guide a hollow needle to remove a core of tissue for analysis.

Stereotactic wire localization: A procedure that uses a computer and X-rays to guide a wire into the breast and mark the location of a breast abnormality that needs to be removed by surgery